Michael & Dagmar, Port Dufferin, NS
I want to use the opportunity to honor your hard work and our trustful relationship over the last two years maintaining our log house in Nova Scotia. Since 2018 we own a summer cottage in Nova Scotia and the relationship to you is unique because the maintenance work on the logs looks overwhelming. Darcy you are not just a carpenter; you are a unique artist the way you treat and change the broken and rotten logs.
We are a couple from Germany and in 2019 we were able to watch your unique capabilities and your passion to always find the best solution for your customers. We are so glad that we can work with you on our dream here in Nova Scotia.
Due to COVID-19 this year it is a challenge to all of us. We as Germans are not allowed to cross the Canadian border and as a result, we must organize the maintenance remotely. You did send us samples of siding material to Germany and we were able to choose the right type of siding based on your recommendation. The way you service customers we do not find here in Germany and it might be as well rare in Canada.
Finally, you are the most trustworthy person I have met over the last couple of years. Due to the fact that we cannot always be in Canada, we decided that you can stay at our summer cottage while doing the maintenance at our place.
We strongly recommend Darcy and his company if you own a log house in Nova Scotia. The combination in terms of the quality of work and the personal relationship and services puts Darcy´s company in a unique position.
Thank you, Darcy for making your dream coming through having a nicely serviced summer cottage in Canada. We look forward to 2021 having a barbeque together with you and our Canadian neighbors.
Michael & Dagmar from Germany